Youth On Fire
Dave Yarnes & Sharrona Watson

Sharrona Watson, a woman after God’s own heart, is a member of MorningStar’s Fellowship of Ministries (MFM), MorningStar Women’s Ministry Team (SHINE) and MorningStar Fellowship Church (MFC) in Fort Mill, where she is an elder. She currently serves as a drama teacher for Comenius School of Creative Leadership (CSCL), also in Fort Mill, and is the Director for MorningStar Youth Ministry. Along with her love for children, Sharrona is passionate about seeing women of every age and race set free. She impacts women globally, having spoken at conferences in the Dominican Republic and locally. She is an influential force affecting multiple generations of women through inner healing, equipping, training and mentorship. Sharrona lives in in Fort Mill, South Carolina, with her very supportive husband, Randy, and their three beautiful children.

Tue, Jan 24, 2023