April Webinar with Jeremiah Johnson: The Third Great Awakening
Dave Yarnes and Jeremiah Johnson
Jeremiah Johnson From the time he was 7 years old, Jeremiah began receiving regular prophetic encounters from dreams and visions at night, to sharing the word of the Lord as he matured in age. God pouring out His Spirit through miracles, prophecy, signs and wonders, and the five-fold ministry were all part of the foundation and heritage that Jeremiah was privileged to be raised in as a child and youth.

Jeremiah planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, FL and serves on the Eldership Team. He is a book author, conference speaker, father and husband. Jeremiah also travels and ministers prophetically to leaders and churches all over the United States and abroad. He carries a prophetic message of encountering Jesus Christ and living a consecrated life unto God in more than 35 churches and conferences a year under his traveling ministry, “Jeremiah Johnson Ministries”. Jeremiah’s Vision to see the body of Christ revived and awakened by clear prophetic ministry authorized from Above and flowing deep within the Father's Heart.


Mon, Apr 23, 2018